Image of the Beast

Revelation 13:15

“The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast,
so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”
Revelation 13:15

The thing which forms what people think, feel, do, and say enables the image of the beast to live and speak through people. The second beast is the one with “two horns like a lamb,” and it is very active as Satan’s version of the Holy Spirit. The first beast in the verse above is mentioned in verse one of Revelation 13 and is Satan’s version of Jesus Christ. The relationship of the second beast to the first beast is similar to the relationship of the Holy Spirit to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gives life to the image of Jesus Christ in us, and the second beast is giving life to the image of the first beast. Satan copies everything God does, including the trinity, because he wants to set in the temple of God, our body, as God.

The second beast gives the image of the first beast the ability to speak, in the same way that the Holy Spirit gives the ability of the image of Christ to speak through us. Our tongue, voice box, and lungs are given to Christ through the Holy Spirit so that we speak His words, in the same way that the “image of the beast” speaks through a person. The beast with “two horns like a lamb” gives churchy and humanitarian sounding words to those in whom the image of the beast is given life. For example, the killing of the unborn is called, “Reproductive Rights,” and the promotion of the LGBQT+ community is done through the, “Respect for Marriage Act.” They are very deceptive and nothing they say can be taken at face value; they just want to portray a humanitarian image. It’s like the words of the Holy Spirit which accompanies those in whom the image of Christ lives, except instead of truth and righteousness it is deception and wickedness.

When people are dead to the image of Christ, they are no longer responsive to the Holy Spirit. Refusing the Holy Spirit is to kill the Spirit of Christ in us which leads to eternal death in Hell. In the same way, those who refuse to live by the image of the beast are dead to the deception and wickedness that comes through humanitarian and churchy sounding words as spoken by the beast. Those who reject the image of the beast are dead to the “democratic” society which has their life through the image of the beast. In essence, the followers of the image of Christ are considered useless to society and will suffer all types of afflictions, persecutions, and death.

The image of the beast, with its churchy and humanitarian sounding words, is exactly like the wolves in lamb’s clothing which the Lord Jesus warns us about, and it is the beast wrapped in human clothing. The thing which has power over physiology enables the words spoken through us by the “image of the beast.” By its ability to form what people think, feel, does, and speak it enables the image of the beast to live and speak through people. Those words are from an uncanny knowledge and heightened intuition. Those under the influence of the “image of the beast” can come across as very warm and sincere in their superficial, empty, artificial, and deceitful emotions and words.

The global government of the beast has its life through the “image of the beast” and the life of the United Nations depends on the sea of the populations of the world living through the “image of the beast”. The “democracy,” and “personal freedom” the global leaders are talking about is to allow every person in every city and country the freedom to live by its influence. That is what they mean by being “democratic.” However, there is no “democracy” nor “personal choice” for those who want to be conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The global government of the beast is eliminating the image of Jesus Christ, trampling on the Holy Spirit, and blaspheming God.

There is a war for the soul of individuals, Satan wants to make our body the home of the image of the beast and God makes our body the home of the Holy Spirit. If everyone chose to live for Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, there would be no world formed through the image of the beast by the beast with “two horns like a lamb.” Today, the followers of Jesus Christ, and all of the people of God, are ostracized from the beast’s “democratic” social network. As the government of the beast progresses forward, persecution will intensify, “…and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” To refuse the image of the beast is to refuse the government that operates in every city around the world. In the same way that the United Nations is making Israel an international outlaw, the same is happening to Christianity.

“….to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets,
‘I will not impose any other burden on you, except to hold on to what you have until I come.’”
I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”
Revelation 2:24-25
, 3:11

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