Women who slay the souls that are receptive to God and gives life to spiritual wickedness. 

Ezekiel 13:19b

Click for a description of the mark of the beast.
Click for a description of the image of the beast.

“…to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?” Ezekiel 13:19 b.

We know God is speaking to the false prophetesses because the previous verses plainly say so. These women were slaying the souls that were living a faithful life to God, souls desiring to live by the Ten Commandments. The women were also nurturing the life of those living in spiritual wickedness. Today, that describes those of the Jewish culture who slays the souls that would gladly live for Jesus Christ, according to the will of God, and embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit. The influencers of the Jewish culture give life to spiritual wickedness by nurturing the souls of those who reject the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ and only acknowledge the Old Testament. The Jewish people are being lied to by their own ministers who direct them away from Jesus Christ.

Today, we live in a society that is making women the leaders in all areas of local, state, national, and global affairs (as is in every city in every state of America). This is the goal of the United Nations, to place women in positions of authority. Their guiding principle is rooted in human nature as they believe women are less prone to violence and aggression than men. The United Nations are depending on women to bring peace and goodwill to the world. They discard the need for Jesus Christ, oppress the presence of the Holy Spirit, and blaspheme God.

At the same time that there is a thrust to propel women into places of authority, souls are being slain that would want to live for God though Jesus Christ and to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit. With that, life is being given to people that welcome spiritual wickedness. The entity that gives people what to think, feel, do, and say is slaying souls receptive to Jesus Christ and giving life to those who do not believe God, scoff at the need for Jesus Christ, and oppress the presence of the Holy Spirit. This entity is enabling the image of the beast to speak and live through people as the masses of today’s culture are being groomed to the mark of the beast.

The people of the world today are being lied to. The lie being told is that a global culture is being built, the environment will be returned to an earthly Garden of Eden, and all of this will happen as a result of opposing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. However, there is no heaven on earth and the idea of an earthly utopia is the great lie. Jesus Christ tells us the truth, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

Global warming is a nemesis of the world government and its global culture, and global warming will never go away. Global warming is the Fourth Plague of Revelation 16:8-9 and is instrumental in bringing the destruction of this present world system. “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” Revelation 16:8-9 Global warming and the United Nations are walking side-by-side, the more powerful the United Nations become as the one world government, the hotter and more intense the heat of global warming becomes.

Global warming brings the destruction of the power center of the beast in Revelation 16:1o-11. That brings the destruction of the world government and its ideals for an earthly utopia for its global culture. There will be no more uncanny authority, no more heightened intuition, no more uncanny knowledge, no more extraordinary skills and talents, etc. The entity giving people what to think, feel, do, and say will be powerless. The image of the beast will not be able to speak and live through people. The mark of the beast will be powerless to hold people to a specific place in life. In this powerlessness, the Battle of Armageddon arises in the Sixth Plague. Then comes the Day of the Lord and the return of Jesus Christ.

“….to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets,
‘I will not impose any other burden on you, except to hold on to what you have until I come.’”
I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”
Revelation 2:24-25
, 3:1

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