Israel eats and drinks with quaking, anxiety, and dread due to the violence of her inhabitants

Ezekiel 12:17-20

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“Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Son of man, eat your bread with quaking, and drink your water with trembling and anxiety.’ And say to the people of the land, ‘Thus says the Lord God to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the land of Israel: “They shall eat their bread with anxiety, and drink their water with dread, so that her land may be emptied of all who are in it, because of the violence of all those who dwell in it.” Ezekiel 12:17-19

The Lord has Ezekiel to eat his bread with quaking and drink his water with trembling and anxiety, in front of the Israelites. This was to show what would happen to them. The quaking, trembling, and anxiety relates to the violence within her, which desolates the land of Israel.

There has been a lot of quaking, trembling, and anxiety happening at the dinner table of the Israelis since 1948, when the State of Israel was established. The quaking can be felt by the violence of war bombs and other artillery. Since 1948, including in that year, there has been 18 wars involving Israel, Click for a list of those wars and scroll close to the bottom of the page. How is it possible to eat and drink in peace with constant quaking, and without a doubt there has to be anxiety and dread at the dinner table. During the Battle of Armageddon of Revelation 16:12-17, the land of Israel will be decimated and emptied of all who are in her. Soon after that, the Day of the Lord comes which guarantees the total decimation of Israel.

Today, the followers of Jesus Christ are made to eat their bread and drink their water with anxiety, dread, and quaking. Our bread and water are the Bread and Water of Life, who is our Lord Jesus Christ. Today’s culture makes living for the Gospel of Jesus Christ a painful experience. They require everyone to conform to the entity that gives people their beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, and behaviors. The churches are no longer shining with the light of the testimony of Jesus. Government lawmakers no longer apply the values of the Bible to their policies and laws. The educational system no longer allows the teachings of the Bible in classrooms. Christianity is not welcomed in any sector of society. The land of Christianity is being emptied and desolated from this world.

“Then the cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste, and the land shall become desolate; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”’” Ezekiel 12:20

The desolation that is happening to Israel and Christianity will lead to the desolation of this present heaven and earth. The world government of the beast and its global culture is met with destruction on the Day of the Lord and further described in Revelation 18 concerning the collapse of the global economy. Global warming is the Fourth Plague of Revelation 16:8-9 and it is instrumental in destroying the power center of the beast of Revelation 16:10-11. That means the world government of the beast and its global culture will be powerless, and that is where the Battle of Armageddon enters.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but have eternal life.

“….to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets,“
‘I will not impose any other burden on you, except to hold on to what you have until I come.’”
“I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”
Revelation 2:24-25, 3:11

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